Couponing 102 Part
How Do I Prepare For Shopping?
Get yourself organized
· Create a Grocery Check List based on what is on sale and the coupons that you have collected. I find that using, and helps with this. These sites do all the work for you and are easy to use.
Here is another option for helping with a list.
Here is another option for helping with a list.
Have your store ads along with your inserts handy
Log into your blog (example. and I also use a blog here at the Lake that helps with the local grocery store)
1. choose
your store
2. make
your list of sale items, saving atleast 40% is what you want to shoot for
3. print your list
4. Combine
store sales with coupons
Be Prepared.
I find that the more prepared I am the better my shop goes.
· Shop with a Partner. Shop with another Couponer,
there is strength in numbers. However,
you might find it less stressful at first to go it alone.
· Know your list and your coupons. I shop more
than one store so I make sure to have the coupons for that store attached to
that store's grocery list.
· Take your coupon base. I always take
my binder with me; you never know when you will find an item on clearance that
you have a coupon for. I love it when
that happens.
· Rain checks. If an item on sale at the store is out of
stock, get a rain check. (not every store will give out rainchecks. Be sure to check your store's coupon policy and the sale ad. If it states "while products last" the store won't give a raincheck)
· Buy small. If the coupon says "off any size"
then buy the smallest size. This is usually a better price deal, but not always
so, do the math.
· Be flexible. There will come a time when the store doesn’t
have the item you have a coupon for or you will get to the shelve to find it
empty. Don’t fret. I have been able to buy items a week or so
later after the start of the sale. Remember, sales are on a 6 week cycle.
· Organize your basket. I try and make
sure that every coupon I have matches perfectly with the items. Reviewing saves time at the register.
· Choosing the right cashier. Yes,
it does make a difference. Look for one
that seems friendly and doesn’t have a long line of impatient shoppers.
· Watch the sale. You will want to keep track as much as
possible during check out making sure all of your coupons have been
· Pat yourself on the back. Yes, it is a
lot of work but well worth the effort.
Give yourself a pat on the back for you labor.
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