Couponing 101 Part 4
Expiration Date: All coupons will have an expiration date. However, you will run across some coupons that have an expiration date that actually says “No expiration date.” Please note that some stores will not accept coupons that do not have expiration dates. You can use the coupon through the date of the expiration date, for example, if the coupon’s expiration date is 9/6/2012, you can use the coupon until 11:59 pm on 9/6/2012.
Value: The value is the amount that will be subtracted from your purchase. If it says “Save $1 on 2 boxes of crackers” then you will save $1 total on your purchase (not $1 per box).
Wording: This is the most important part of the coupon. It is how you know what the coupon is for! If the coupon says “save on ANY xyz product” then it truly can be used on any, not just what is pictured.
Picture: The picture on the coupon can be useful in helping you locate the product. It also helps build product recognition and is a great form of advertising. Please note that the picture is NOT what is important. The manufacturers generally put the newest or most expensive product in the picture, obviously hoping you will buy that product. As long as you follow what is in the wording of the coupon, you can usually get the lowest priced product which is generally the better deal.
Fine Print: The fine print is information for the retailers whch includes the coupon redemption address. There are usually one or two lines that are intended for the consumer though for example: Limit one coupon per purchase? Coupons usually have some version of that statement. I would like to explain each of them to you so that you can in turn explain them to your cashiers (which I can guarantee will happen at some point).
- Limit one coupon per purchase. Each qualifying item(s) is a purchase. If the coupon is for $1 off 2 boxes of cereal and you buy 2 boxes, that is 1 purchase. If you bought 2 more, that is another purchase and you can use another $1/2 coupon. This is on just about every coupon. It means you can not use 2 coupons on 1 product.
- Limit one coupon per transaction. This means you can only use one of each coupon per transaction. Each transaction is concluded with a receipt.
- Limit one coupon per day/visit. You can only use one of those coupons per store visit.
- Limit one coupon per person/customer/household. You can only use one of these coupons.
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