foxfire on a limb

foxfire on a limb
Foxfire: Bioluminescent Fungi

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spring Time March 2012

Spring is here!  Iris
    It’s almost spring time; March 20th is just around the corner.  The time changes in a little over a week.  Yeah!  Here comes the sun and my favorite time of the year.  I have spring popping up all over my yard and my garden-to-do-list for March is growing too.  Check it out.

    1. dead head what was left over for winter eye appeal purposes
    2. rake up leaves left over from fall
    3. turn the compost pile to get down to that “black gold”
    4. spread “black gold” onto raised vegetable beds and flower beds
    5. spread dry cow manure on garden beds
    6. add soil mixture to beds that have settled
    7. turn gardens over again (did this last fall too)
    8. spread bone meal on peonies and iris beds
    9. spread pea gravel on garden paths
    10. clean out asparagus patch
    11. bleach out pots for the season
    12. add new soil to garden tables on deck (these are for lettuces, spinach, radish, herbs, sweet and hot peppers)
    13.  clean out strawberry bed again (did this last fall too) then add straw
    14. make a list of what perennials to divide
    15. make another list lol J


Asparagus bed yummy, yummy soon ready for my tummy!

Strawberries are coming up, gotta get some straw on them!

    The talk of gardening reminds me of a wonderful video I watched lately where Dr. Terry Wahls had a bit of that “old way determination” when it came to her health and diet.  I want to share her video with you all to encourage you to go back to what had worked for hundreds of years.  Enjoy!

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