foxfire on a limb

foxfire on a limb
Foxfire: Bioluminescent Fungi

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Trust Your Gut: Diagnosed with Candida

Diagnosed with Candida
Before I started my journey with healing the gut I ran across a documentary that would forever change my views on health.
  It was a snowy winter’s day much like today.  I was bored and was surfing through Netflix to find something to spend the afternoon with.  I had recently quit my job at the local school district and was going through a bout of depression over that situation.  I was physically, mentally, and spiritually depleted. 
The title caught my eye and I click on it.  Best click of my life!    The Beautiful Truth is a film created by a 15 year old named Garrett who was interested in the eating habits of animals. He had lost his mother before his father decided to home school him.  One of his assignments was to read the book written by Dr. Max Gerson that linked diet to major health issues.  Garrett decided to investigate Gerson’s theory and met doctors, patients and scientists which led him to realize the power the medical industry has in our lives. 
After watching the video I realized that I had to focus on my health and not my wealth.  I have watched family members take a “pill for an ill” which always led them to more pills.  I didn’t want that for my life.  I was raised on fresh vegetables from the garden and the skill of growing what we eat had been pasted down from previous generations.  What happen over the years?  Have we American’s taken a dangerous detour with our diets since WWII?
I was left at a cross roads.  I could spend money on pills, doctor bills, and hospital frills or I could spend money on food that would heal.  I chose food!
what I ate like before Candida...macro nutrients
The following is the first entry of my Healthminder journal:
I was diagnosis with Candida August, 2012 by Dr. Chritsy Jenkins of St. Charles, Mo.  She started me on a 70% raw foods, and 30% lean meat (no pork or lunch meat).  No pasta, no potatoes, rice, bread, dairy or grains for a 3 month period.  I weigh 235 (243 in March) and had tremendous bloating, gas, battling with constipation, and digestive problems.  The LS (lichen sclerosis) was unbearable which was the main reason I searched out for a naturopathic doctor.  I went to a specialist (obgyn) and an obgyn who could not help me.  I began a new healthier way in March of 2012 with the help of a good friend who was able to teach me via phone and email. I stopped using any products that were not organic.  Laundry soap, shampoo/ rinse, bar soap, body soap and rid the house of package foods, and process flour products.  I am making my own sourdough bread and yogurt, komucha, and kimchi which I will stop until Dr. Jenkins gives the ok to reintroduce.  Help me Lord!
What I eat like now (or at least my goal too!)  micro nutrients

The following is a list of Herbs and Supplements Dr. Jenkins put me on:
Digestive Enzymes (digestive system aid)
Pink Salt (substitute for white salt)
Progesterone Cream (balancing hormones)
DHEA (balancing hormones)
Immune Detox Aloe Drink (parathyroid/immune system)
Happy Tonic Solutions (for vaginal health)
Coffee (for coffee enemas)

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